Drinking and driving is a huge problem in Poland. Although there are campaigns in mass media, many people including young ones drive after drinking alcohol. There is a public discussion what measures should be taken to solve the problem, but no single effective remedy has been found, but a discussion and good ideas at least may make people aware of the problem.
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Drinking and Driving Radio Programme
61 komentarzy:
First of all I must agree with the statement that drive drinking does is a big problem. A fiend of mine had once such situation, which was really stupid of him...He lost his driving licence but-what is not that fair I think-he got it back after 5 months. And it was the whole penalty... I think that he won't do that again but this situation shows that there is no good punitive system for drink-drivers. There should be taken some severe remedys to avoid this bad situation of drinking and driving. I think that putting the pictures and the names of the guilty ones on the Internet is a good idea to help such situation.
I also agree that drinking and driving is a huge problem in Poland as well as in other countries.
When we get our driving license we assure ourselves that we won't be drinking and driving. Sometimes it works, sometimes it dosen't.
Nowadays legistrators are trying to prevent this negative social phenomena by harsh punishment. There are also many campaigns against drinking and driving where famous people tell us about the negative effect of that kind of behaviour. On the other hand there is a compaign called "Akcja znicz" where police officers control as many cars and drivers as they can- and it really works.
In my opinion the driving license should be automatically teken from the drunk driver forever :)
Well, as my colleagues I also fully agree with the statement that drinking and driving is a huge problem in Poland (as well as in many other countries). As the American experiences from XIX century (I mean prohibition) show preventing people from drinking at all is rather impossible, but surely we can make something to stop drinking and driving. In my opinion in losing this problem much more important are different programs and campaigns, much more controls made by policemen then just juridical regulations, however using more and more severe punishments may also be helpful, because our punishment aren't extremely harsh. I believe that very important is also creating a new tradition in Poland which will not allow friends and colleagues to let somebody drive after a drink.
In my opinion drinking and driving is a problem in Poland, but I don't think that it is huge. In other East-European countries as Russia or Ukraine exist bigger predicament with this. Campaigns in mass media and police actions bring certain effects, slowly changing thinking about drive a car after consumption an alcohol. I notice change in behaviour not only my friends, but also older generation. In my surroundings they almost never drive after drinking. I know that situation in Poland isn't really good, but I believe that this will change.
In my opinion drinking and driving is a huge problem in Poland. In media thera are many campaigns, also Police organise lots of actions against drinking and driving. Drive on the "double gas" is very popular in our country, while there is a very strict drinking and driving law in Poland. You can be fined and be placed under probation or you can be imprisoned for up to 2 years if caught. If you are involved in an accident and personal injury or even death occurred because you’ve been drinking, then you might be facing a sentence in jail anywhere from 6 months up to 8 years, depending upon the severity of the case. Despite of these rules people still breake law and drunk driving. If poeople don't change their habits nothing will change on polish roads. Young people have to belive that drunk driving isn't trendy. They have to find out that life and safety are the most important values for them.
Drunk-driving is a huge problem in every state. It is a consequence of our modern life, when people live fast: work fast, joy fast, drink fast and drive fast. Nowadays every teenager is dreaming about his driving license, even it is obligatory when somebody wants to find job. Very often young people want to live their lifes like media stars and sometimes they choose wrong authorities. Others are not able to manage with their problems and the easiest solution is alcohol for them. Therefore they can make a big mess in their lifes by drinking and driving. Lately in Poland has been performed a report: “Polish youth after alcohol” by Homo Homini Company. The results are terrified. 94 percent young people said that they drank alcohol and 32 percent lost their conscious after drinking alcohol. 78 percent of youth between 14 and 18 age drink occasionally, 11 percent tried alcohol only one time, 9 percent drink alcohol often, and 2 percent of youth said that they drank daily. These people will become drivers and they will need a lot of self-abnegation to be able to refuse to drink alcohol during party when they will sit behind driving wheel. So I think that very important is to educate young drivers about consequences of being drunk drivers: that there is possibility of killing somebody and going to a jail and so on.
I should agree with my colleagues that there isn't any perfect solution for problem of drunk - driving. Of course, we can change law and make the penalties stricter. A huge campaings against driving after drinking can be organised every year. Futhermore, a lecture about dangerous of drunk-driving can be given in all polish schools - but all of it won't achive a desire affect if we don't change our thinking about this problem.
The quiet social consent for drunk-driving still exists in Poland. Many people can't refuse driving "on double gass" - they think "oh, come one! I haven't drunk so much". And there won't be anybody who tell them that they are wrong.
If you are planning to drink, it'll be better for you to leave your car-keys at home. And tell the same your friends. Maybe in this way we could reduce the problem of drunk - driving.
In my opinion people who sit behind the steering wheel after drinking alcohol are extremely unimaginative just like little children, so that I think they should not have a driving licence. Imagination and responsibility have the same importancy as skills. Those people are not only dangerous for themselves byt also may cause a huge road collision. So remember not to drive after drinking alcohol, even if it was only a glass of wine.There should be also some kind of data base with personal datails of people who were driving after drinking, and they should pay 5 % their salaries for people who can't recover after a car accident.
I am affraid that drink-driving is a huge problem of many countries, not only Poland. Why is it like that? What makes people become so stupid to believe that after a few drinks they have still good reflexes, they are still concentrated, conscious and focus enough to drive safe? Probably it is because the legal sanctions are nor severe enough and rarely exact. I mean - if you once drive a car after one drink and nothing wrong happens, you will do it again after two drinks. Another reason why people, usually young people, drive drunk is the will to show off how courageous they are. They want to prove that they don't care the regulations, they break the rules and it makes them better,stronger,more popular. The only one solution is not to treat them as heroes and try to explain that what they do is wrong. Unfortunately, it is easy to say and difficult to do. That is why drink drivers are still a huge problem in many countries.
About 3 days ago I was waked up by some voices behind my window, then I realise that there was three guys just talking on the car park. They was screaming so that i can't sleep.
They was so drunk that they can't stay on their feet.Is not a big deal we are in poland.(I Thought). But then I saw something what is sick. Two of them has helped third one to seat on the wheel.About 3 mins later whole crew was sitting in a car.Driver started the engine and they just gone.I lied down on the bed , and I had remorses. If they kill someone? If they they kill theirself ?.And then I fell asleep
but in the morning i was thinking again, that someone must be stupid to risk ones life doing such things.But if they would have an accindent I would just felt guilty! WHY?
I agree with you that drinking and driving is a big problem. In my opinion we should think about it, think before we or our friends try to drive after drinking alcohol. We need more films like that one- they make us to think about our life.
To my mind, drinking and driving is still a problem, but not as huge as it used to be. Moreover, I don't regard our law as lenient in the aspect of punishing drink drivers, it is severe enough. The problem is that there is still a social consent in some circles. If our mentality doesn't change, any further restrictions will turn out to be useless. Therefore campaigns against drinking and driving are really needed - they help people to relise what dire consequences drinking and driving may have. If you are not sure whether you are allowed to drive or not, you should have a breathalyser in your car and check yourself each time you want to sit behind the steering wheel - it may save your or someone life.
What could change state that we have now? My anwser is better criminal procedure.
Now we have 24hour courts, ... so what. Nothing really changed. If drunk driver is a little conscious he easy may prolong the trail.
Second problem is traffic police, not well equiped and bribeable.
In my opinion publishing criminals - drunk drivers - pictures and names is well-aimed idea.
Alcohol + steering wheel isn't a good idea. But it's our reality. We say that is wrong etc. There are some people, action that can help fight with this problems. For example in UK are companys where are working drivers. If you are by car and drink alcohol you can phone to them, they will come, take you and your car to your home. In Poland are sometimes action that wolunters doing the same things. But many things we can change. We we see car which is going like a snake, we should call on police. We should also look for us and our friends who come to some party by car and drink alcohol. Everything is in our hands.
I must agee that the problem of drinking and driving exist in our society. Michał describe some methods which can help to decrease number of drunk people behind the wheel. These methods are esspecially concerned on wolunters actions and on improving service in Poland which could help people to drink and not to drive (like taxis etc.). I would rather concentrate on the our legislation and interpose some legal forces which now occure in U.S.A. First of all I would rise the minimum drinking age and initiate the zero tolerance law. The police should also take more actions against young, drunk people. The organisations should try to make an impact on our views about drinking and driving and advertise the non-alcohol entertainment.
We all know that drinking and driving is a combination of danger; driving under the influence is a cardinal sin of the road. We’ve listened to the warnings, we’ve read the statistics, we’ve watched the After-school specials. We know it’s a bad thing to do and yet, some of us do it anyway. Unfortunately, those who drink and drive often go unpunished: they simply don’t get pulled over or noticed by law enforcement. But, those who do get pulled over, who cause an accident, or who are involved in any kind of automobile incident, often get noticed…in hand cuffs.In Poland, drunk drivers are subject to jail, fine, and, even worse, mandatory attendance at political lectures.Drinking and driving can cost a lot of money, a lot of freedom, and, in worst cases, a lot of lives. In our world of available transportation drinking and driving has no place. Instead of driving drunk, simply take a bus, take a cab, take a subway, or rent a limo. I would say don‘t even drink, but let‘s aim for something more feasible.
Firstly, I should admit that these topic - Drinking and driving is very unpleasant bocause of two reasons: efects of behaving in such way and topic of my oral mature exam was similar the same and it's still evoking stres ;) Doubtless even putting the car in gear after drinking is sillnes, dangerous sillnes. But as far as I am concerned, awareness of consequences drinking and driving is gaining. Even if number of "boozed" driver seems to be worse, that's not truth.
In my opinion this problem can't be solved because of very simple reason - in our country (and not only here but on a entire world) many people think that they can do almost everything e.g. drive after alcohol, work overtime without suffer any consequences. This lack of imagination produce an effect of crashing one's car or worse - killing someone on road. I think it depend on individual predispositions that someone decide to drive after drink. I hope that in near future people will realise that this kind of "bravery" is not so clever way to show others that "Yeah, I will do it!".
Unfortunately, I cannot disagree with the statement that drinking and driving is a huge problem in our country.
I think that changing the law is not enough to overcome this problem. Although 24h-courts are not that bad. In my opinion, the most important thing is to change the way we treat drunk drivers. We, as the whole society, should not accept the fact that somebody decides to drive, because he/she had only 1 or 2 drinks. I know that forbiding friends to do anything is difficult (taking away their car keys even more) and definitely not popular. But 'what is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right' :)
In my opinion drinking alcohol and after that driving a car it's not only Poland problem. It concern all population.
Nowadays some kind of mass media social campaigns are usefull due to they give people reason to think. I think that polish goverment should restrict law and penalties for drank drivers. There should be special prisons for that kind of criminal and also the court should award for a social a high compensation from that drivers.
First of all drinking and driving is one of the stupid things which can someone do. This irresponsibility behaviour should be punish by hard work like in middle ages. Driver if i can call someone driver after drinking should feel a lot of pain if will hurt someone. This days polish law is too kindly for such persons but everything is before us, we became lawyers and we can change law for better future !
P.S. But what is better : changing law or people ?
In my opinion drinking and driving is not as huge problem as it seems to be. Nowadays everyone knows that this kind of behaviour can be dangerous for driver and his passangers. I think that the most of young people try to protect they friends from this and persuade them that they shouldn’t drive car after drinking. On the other hand I think that polish law which forbids sailing after one beer is too rigorous, it is pointless because risk in this case is really low and what is more it is contrary to habit.
Firstly, in my opinion driving after drinking has the most serious consequences not in a big cities, but rather in small villages where young people drive beeing drunk bcause they say they have only few minutes to their homes.Those few minutes can have disastrous effects on innocent passers-by who just accidentaly were on that young man's way.
Secondly, someone said before that driving after drinking should be seen as "not trendy". Maybe that would make pepole ashamed of what they are doing.
Appart from that- some serious punishments should appear in Polish law, but all of you have already mentioned about that :)
I don't write nothing more.This problem is for me clear.If you drink
don't drive!Lastly I heard that the great majority cases in "24h courts"
deal with drunk drivers.So if so many
poeple is against drunk drivers why
the reform of "24h courts" is all the time criticised by allmost everyone??
Drinking and driving is the most stupid thing on the earth.Unfortunatelly, it occurs very often.Why?Maybe, we think that one or two glasses are not a big problem.Maybe, we believe in our skills like good sight or speedy reaction too much.Or maybe young people bravado is decisive.Maybe...
Many reasons but one effect:problems. We have to understand that sometimes one drive-even short,can change all life.So...before you get into your car "on a gas",consider it.Is it really worth?
I don"t think so.
Drinking and driving is indisputably huge problem in Poland. The society has to fight with this plague. I think that the most suitable punishment for this offence is to take the driving license. Driving license for me is a kind of special privilege to use the roads without causing danger. Drunk drivers cause danger so they should be eliminated from traffic. There should also be exams to get driving license back. The terms in which drunk drivers couldn’t get driving license should be quite long. I even think that in some cases driving license should be taken permanently.
In my opinion Polish attitude to drinking & driving is changing. I have to agree that still it is a very big problem in our country, but not as huge as it used to be. After spending three weeks in Ukraine and being almost ran down on the pedestrian crossing by a one madman who was sitting behind the steering wheel of the police car (!), I discovered that some nations have a bit worse perception of something that we call ‘safety rules’. I do not consider Polish legal regulations as lenient in the aspect of punishing drunk-drivers, it is severe enough. Although such de lege ferenda postulates as virtual gallery of drunk-drivers or special notes in their driving licences are interesting and could become an effective manner of decreasing drinking & driving problem. But the truth is that amendments in legal system are the way to decrease the effects of drunk-driving, but not the best way to change the reasons of such behaviour. So what do we need? In this aspect I agree with the majority of my pre-speakers. We need changes in the mentality. That’s why all anti-drinking campaigns organized by the police or the media are so useful. Some of them were really attentive, with good lapidary titles, pointing the most important aspects of drunk-driving. Because the most important thing, in my opinion, is to make us, Poles, aware that drunk-driver is not only the person who is almost unconscious because of the amount of alcohol in his/her blood, as we usually think, but everyone after ‘just one or two drinks’. We must be aware of the possible danger that we can cause. And I hope that quiet social acceptance of drunk-driving, which still exists in people’s minds in some areas, will change into the trend of driving sober.
Did you hear about 24-hours courts? Originally the main target for this institution was fighting with hooligans, but supposedly majority part of cases apply to drinking drivers, or drinking... bikers. In Poland drinking and driving is important problem, but fundamental problem is drinking. Alkohol is the reason of many social problems. However alcohol-related problems can concern everybody - Mr. Staszek - poor workman, but politicians, actors,
artists too!
I agree with the statement "drive drinking is a big problem", but I think that the reason is our cultur, and tradition. Unfortunatelly polish nation would like to drink vodka to familly dinner, so it's very important to fight with that custom.
In Poland many people have problems with drinking, but the worst situation is when they are trying to drive after couple drinks. They often don't understand how dangerous they are for another people on the road. Someone who drives while he's drunk thinks it's OK untill he'll have an accident. Destroyed car and loosing drive license isn't the worst thing in life, but death of drunk driver or somebody else is, won't you agree with me?
It's true that driving after drinking TOO MUCH alcohol is the problem not only in Polond but also in the US and others european countries. I think that polish law is too sever. I don't say that we shouldn't punish severly drunk drivers but it shouldn't be forbidden driving after one beer as it's in Germany or in Canada (there you can driving after two beer!!!). Everyone knows that you aren't danger after one beer and why should I pay for irresopnsibility of others??? I agree that drivers who are a real danger ahould be strictly punished but why must I suffer becouse someone can't stop drinking after one beer??? If they want to get drunk and drive the law forbidding drinking one beer and drivinig after that dosen't change it. We should be more rational!
I'm of a different opinion that Wojciech [the person above me].I think that zero tolerance law is fine! I suppose a lot people drink and driving and they don't think there is anything wrong with it until something bad happens. Moreover, alcohol is some kind of 'legal drugs' and it is unreasonable to use it and drive. Unfortunately it's said that although the government is spending more and more on drinking and driving prevention, it is still on the increase in Poland...
In my opinion every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. Although the proportion of crashes that are alcohol-related has dropped dramatically in recent decades, there are still far too many such preventable accidents. Unfortunately, in spite of great progress, alcohol-impaired driving remains a serious national problem that tragically effects many victims annually.
Personally I think that drinking and driving is a huge problem nowadays not only in Poland but also in other countries.
Driving while either intoxicated or drunk is dangerous and drivers with high blood alcohol content are at greatly increased risk of car accidents.
Drinking kills driving skills. Alcohol is responsible almost a quarter of the people killed on our roads.
Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable.Unfortunately, in spite of great progress, alcohol-impaired driving remains a serious national problem that tragically effects many victims annually.
Drunk driving, like most other social problems, resists simple solutions. However, there are a number of actions, each of which can contribute toward a reduction of the problem:to tighten restrictions,control on the road,driving license should be depend of psychological conditions,automatic license revocation appears to be the single most effective measure to reduce drunk driving.
To my mind everything is for people, but we must use it reasonable and carefully. It is hard to imgaine adult party without alcohol, but we can't allowed for such situation when somebody is going to drive after drinking. We must say "stop" for this behaviour, becasue even if someone has finished 18 it doesn't have to mean that this person is mature enough not to drive after alcohol.
I also must mention that I am glad that our govern is trying to fight with drinkign drivers by high and strictly penalties.
Drinking and driving is inseparable connected with traffic accidents and is one of the most common factors causing death on roads.
Dealing with problem stated above is extremly important, especially in times of growing traffic.
There are many legal conceptions how to cope with drinking and driving, every single one has got it's advantages, but it is not the conception which deals with real world - it is the effectivness. Inevitable punishment for drinking and driving should be the target to be achieved with help of law system
I must admit, that I don`t have any friend, who drives after alcohol. However, statistics show, that most of the accidents are caused by drunks. One night, I and my friend saw four men. They were drinking a vodka in the car (it wasn`t one vodka). They were very tipsy, noisy and unpleasent. So, my friend called the police (her father is policeman), beacuse she had the sense of the fact, that the drunk driver would like to drive. She was right. He started drive, but not long, beacuse the police came. I don`t remember how many promiles they had, but I remember that it was a quite sizeable number. It seems to me, that sober people should much more look after to drunk don`t touch a steering wheel (like did my friend), because the sober are conscious, just the opposite to the drunk. They are stupid, so they can kill themselves, but we can`t allow to kill us or the kids.
In my opinion driving after drinking is very serious problem in our country. Especially that this is not a law problem but problem with Polish people mentality! Alkohol is very popular in our country. There is no family or bussines meeting without vodka or wine. It is sad because very often people who don't want to drink have to do it, or if they don't they feel isolated. I hope that soon it will change.
Ad rem, I think that very good way to fight with drunk drivers is to install in every car ignition interlocks.
Drinking and driving still claims thousands of lives annually. A variety of public policies, including law enforcement and prevention are being implemented by our country. However, despite all the warnings, public awareness and educational programs, stiffer penalties for violations, and efforts by law enforcement agencies across the nation to be more visible and diligent in protecting streets, people will still get behind the wheel of their vehicles while intoxicated. Why? Just because we still have a feeling that nothing can happen while drinking and driving. The problem is that it happens. Too often.
Among some propositions to solve the problem of drinking and driving in Poland the one I found interesting is confiscation of a car in case of serious trafic felonys.
Confiscation of "instrument of crime" is acceptable penal mesure in polish law. In my opinion, car could be seen as one, when someone is using it to cause an accident.
I'am not sure if some certain legal changes are need, or the change of line of ruling ist enough. Nevertheless, it would be fo sure very effective mean to limit number of drinking and drivng incidents
First of all,I want to say that I agree with the statement that driving after drinking is very serious problem but not only in big cities. There were many campaigns(for example "Akcja znicz" in Poland) to try find a solution and to show another people how dangerous is it but it seems to be impossible to change this situation on this way.On the other hand more severe punishments,more police's controls can be solution.It must be helpful but it's not all.We should be control not only by us but by another people too,I mean by our friends or members of our family,who are with us in the party.I have found more ideas.I believe that it will be better when all of these drivers should lost driving licence but not only for 5 years.Drink-drivers should be known all people.It will be good to put pictures,names and informations about their accidents on the special internet web because all of us should know dangerous,which is waiting for us on the ways.
Drinking and driving is a big problem in Poland. But why? Maybe because we like to be drunk? Maybe because we do not care about others life? Maybe. We can find many more causes, but in my opinion there is one main cause. We accept this. Maybe most of us wouldn’t seat behind the wheel after drinking all night, but how many of us will react, when someone else do it? He is the possible killer. Why we do not stop him? His wife will seat next to him without saying a word, even though her children are sitting behind.The reason is, that we use to it. I think that most of us have read “Potop” and we all like Mr. Zagłoba. We don’t care any more, that he is drunk or he is drinking most of the time. We learned to think about being drunk as of something normal and common. And now the first thing , that had to be done to overcome this problem, is to teach the passenger to say. “NO”.
I think that drinking and driving is one of this problems which we will not solve soon.
It is something in drivers minds.
We call it irresponsibility.
Ofcourse the government can rise the level of punishment, but I think that for people the most important think should be their life than drivers licence which they can loose or ticket they have to pay.
Social campaigns help only in small piece, because people treat them instinctive just like commercial which they forget quickly.
In my opinion parents should bring responsible children up which could became responsible drivers in the future.
I fully agree with you that drinking & driving is huge problem not only in Poland but in every state. Many young people and also other age groups disregarding disastrous effects decide to drive a vehicle when they are intoxicated. This is problem, as you said, hard to solve. There are radars, 24 hours courts, many campaigns during especially holidays, “black points” with boards how many people died in this place in an accident and how many were wounded. And what we can see? We can see many dump people who want personally cheek is this “black point” really as dangerous as it is written and they put theirs foot down.....
I agree that drinking and driving problem is mostly problem of people`s attitude and social tendencies. As long as drivers are not not going to admit they are not invincible and immortal accidents will be happenning. Especially when it comes to young people. Government tries to do anything but it cannot brings effects when a driver gets back his license after a few months or even he ignores all the "commotion" and just drives drunk again. Media campaignes are better than nothing but people don`t feel any similarities to their heros. I heard better results can be brought by skillful plaiting such problems into people`s favourite series. And about the law? Well, I don`t think it`s so bad but the problem comes with its execution.
My opinion about drinking and driving is very frank and realistic. The truth is that drinking alcohol is deeply rooted in polish culture and cultures of other countries. It`s enough to see how many advertisements of alcohol are out there right now. Nevertheless it is important to always warn people about the danger, legal consequences and to talk about morality. All in all, the most realistic perspective is that drinking problem,not only in the case of driving, will be present for many generations in the future. Of course we cannot give up our attempts. Statistics show that after some campaigns the level of drunk drivers has diminished, but not significantly. No matter what is going to happen, everybody should always have in mind what may happen if one exaggerates in case of drinking.
Driving while either intoxicated or drunk is dangerous and drivers with high blood alcohol content or concentration are at greatly increased risk of car accidents, highway injuries and vehicular deaths. Possible prevention measures examined here include establishing courts, suspending or revoking driver licenses, impounding or confiscating vehicle plates, impounding or immobilizing vehicles or jail for drunk driving, and mandating alcohol education. Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. There are still far too many such preventable accidents. Unfortunately, alcohol-impaired driving remains a serious national problem that tragically effects many victims annually. Drunk driving, like most other social problems, resists simple solutions. However, there are a number of actions, each of which can contribute toward a reduction of the problem:
- courts have proven effective in reducing the crime of drunken driving (driving while intoxicated or while impaired)
- automatic license revocation appears to be the single most effective measure to reduce drunk driving
- automatic license revocation along with a mandatory jail sentence appears to be even more effective than just automatic license revocation
- impounding or confiscating license plates
- expanding alcohol server training programs
- implementing social norms programs that correct the misperception that most people sometimes drive under the influence of alcohol
- passing mandatory alcohol and drug testing in fatal crashes would promote successful prosecution of drunk and drugged drivers.
Drinking and Driving is still a big problem not just in Poland. Everyone of us knows that it's dangerous to drive after drinking so WHY so many people do this?? Some of them do it all the time and it's natural for them. They can't imagine to be sober during the party and then go home by car or to drink and then call for taxi. In my opinion it's irresponsible. But we shouldn't look at the problem generally. Not everyone who is in the party is bad. I've noticed that it's becomming more popular to look after driver during the party, telling him that he shouldn't drink. I can hardly ever hear in a party that someone says to a driver: "You won't drink with ME??". Like I said it's becomming more popular to respect someone who is driving and not drinking. I hope it will change "drinking and driving situation" which I still consider dramatic and dangerous.
In my mind drinking and driving is a big problem nowadays. It concerns not only Poland but also a lot of other countries. We have a very strict driving rules in Poland. You can be fined and placed under probation or you can be imprisoned for up to 2 years if caught. If you are involved in an accident and personal injury or even death because you have been drinking, then you might be facing a sentence in jail from 6 months up to 8 years, depending on the severity of the case. But sometimes these kinds of punishment are not sufficient to penalize the culprit and more severe punishments are needed to be used toward the guilty. On the roads we very often meet drivers who risk not only their lives but also lives of other road traffic participants. That being so, what’s the reason of such careless behaviour? Certainly mindlessness but is there something else? Fortunately, roads are more often patrolled by the police, especially during and after Christmas, Easter and other special days. Police officers control drivers and penalize them if necessary. If you have been drinking, do not sit in front of the steering wheel! You mustn’t drive!
i will not repeat that driving under the influence of alcohol is a problem of an alarming nature. the remadies for that depend, in my opinion, on the age group of drivers we want to focus on (help) and the reasons why one drived ui. there are probably many more aspects to be considered, which show how complex the drunk driving problem is. i'm sure about two things, first is that there is no one precise answer to the question: how to prevent dui and second- there is still a lot to be done.
All of us agree that drinking and driving is a huge problem, but the problem is that our talking, writing, giving advises probably won’t change anything. We do not need to urge ourselves but find the best way to persuade another people about dangerous of drinking and driving. Maybe better idea is to penalize not only drivers but also passengers? In most situations they exactly know what’s going on…
I'm afraid that about drinking and driving it has been told everything in our blog. What comes to my mind is that this question is so problematic because of two facts: a) there are so many drink-drivers and b) they put in danger not only theri own lives, but also the others'. The thing that annoys me the most is that you can be a great, carefull driver who never drinks even a drop of alcohol and you can be killed on the road because somone couldn't have helped drinking.
Unfortunaltely, I don't think that an efective remedy for this problem exists. The severe law, in my opinion, can't change someone's menatlity - if someone is so irresponsible and thinks that he's such a great driver that can easily drive after alcohol - he won't change his habits.
Mabye those ignition interlock devices can be solution - they prevent from drink-driving in a mechanic way. But it's a method that may cause pragmatic problems and is hard to used in everyday life.
To sum up - drinking and driving is a problem that touches all societies and, till now, nowhere the effective solution was found.
There is nothing wrong in going out and having a drink or two. Have a drink to compliment a meal or just to relax. It is when people exceed these sensible drinking limits that problems occur.
However, if you are going out to drink make sure you have a designated driver for the evening. A designated driver chooses to drink non-alcoholic drinks for the evening and will help ensure that you get home safely and do not cause injury to others
drinking one beer (to relax) and driving is still dangerous. Last week my friend had serious crush because of young man who was driving after drinking one beer. Alcohol impairs concentration, can even contribute to aggression, which on the road is not helpful.
I have to admitt that the mentioned problem is one of the main reasons of car accidents in Poland. Especially young drivers act in this irresponsible way. To avoid tragic consequences every driver should have his own breathalyser or simply leave the car and take a taxi to go for a party. First of all punishments for driving under influence of alcohol should more restricted and consequently executed. Everyone who participates in public traffic is responsible for other people´s life. That is the
essence of the problem. We should think about this.
Drinking and driving is a serious international problem. From year to year the number of people who die or are badly injured in car accidents caused by intoxicated drivers increases or stays at the same level.
Probably everyone has witnessed, at some point, a situation when a friend or a relativewanted to sit in front of the steering wheel after drinking two beers or having two drinks. Unfortunately most people remain iresponsive to such behaviour. Maybe they would do the same thing if they had a choice. Now we should put a question: 'Why do some people seem not to worry to drive under the influence of alcohol. The answer is rather simple - They basically think that there is nothing wrong in driving after drinking only one beer or a glass of wine. They feel sober and don't find anything to worry about. Besides, people who combine drinking and driving mostly don't know what is the maximal allowed alcohol concentration in human organism while driving. In fact, in Poland there is no such top limit and 0,2 promiles is just the statistical error border.
So, what can we do to prevent people from drinking and driving?
First of all, we should raise fines for drunk drivers. Furthermore, in my opinion their driving-licence should be taken back every time, under no circumstances. Moreover, a good idea would be to forbid seeling alcohol in the petrol station shops, because, in most cases there are drivers who are their clients.
To sum up, I would like you to remember - instead of drink and drive we should always say: 'Drink or drive'. It's your life and you have to make a choice.
In many posts, planty authors mentioned that drinking and driving is a
serious international problem. To highlight this matter I would like
to say about German drivers, who pass, of course with flying colours,
driving licence in Poland near (about 50 km far) to border. They
usually lost their driving licence in Germany for drinking and drving
(for 1st time it is for 8 months), and then they go to Poland to pass
tests. There is no EU law that forbid or ban such actions. I like
German people, but now when we are in Schegen it will be also our
problem, in my point of view there has to be sam banning act or bill.
More informations you can find in latest "Polityka".
In my opinion the problem is placed somewhere in our psyche ("our" I mean polish psyche). We think that drinking (even a lot) is an advanatage, and driving after drinking is something normal for such caution as we are. I think it's illogical and I really hope that such campaign will at least show the problem and maybe one person will understand that such behaviour is wrong.
Why we should never drink and drive?? It's not a question of whether we are legally intoxicated, it's a question of whether or not it is safe to drive when people have consumed any amount of alcohol. Research shows that impairment begins long before a person reaches the blood alcohol concentration level necessary to be guilty of drunken driving.
Why we should never drink and drive?? It's not a question of whether we are legally intoxicated, it's a question of whether or not it is safe to drive when people have consumed any amount of alcohol. Research shows that impairment begins long before a person reaches the blood alcohol concentration level necessary to be guilty of drunken driving.
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